Govt -> Startup -> M????
It has been at least half a year since I last wrote.
Much had happened in the past 6 months or so. From marital issues to housing problems to even job security.
Job Loss
I was in the middle of getting used to the new job at the startup I left for since my time in the Government and boom. The economy came crashing down, I was let go in a company wide layoff exercise.
House and relocation
It was a mess of organizing my own location, renovation and even immigration statuses in the past few months. Life was not easy and I did not have much good sleep.
A New Journey
After what it seemed to be a short and crazy time at StashAway, I decided that I will take a quiet step this time at the new job. This is a company that has a long history and it will be challenging for me to understand it as a whole. Furthermore, it is finally a job that I can get to deepen my skills as a platform engineer in the devops space.
Sentinel policies are indeed not easy to write, work with and test. In the coming months, I should be writing some of my own custom guides to make it clearer and help people understand this HashiCorp technology better.
Stealing this idea from Joe Biden, I will “build back better”.