April Reads 2019

Homo Deus
I have finally finished reading this book, it was a tough read. It took me around 2 to 3 weeks to get around to finish this book on the ride to work.
Compared to its previous book, this book revolves around the concept of “datalism”, a concept that he explains in the book about everything in the world that is happening are just driven by algorithms that work differently when data is applied to it.
From humans beings with brains that could house multiple algorithms to machines whom once advance to the state that it could hold an infinite amount of data and algorithms, the human race would be replaced and become mere servants to these machines.
The concept is actually very mind-boggling as it stems from religions to empires to cultures from all over the world. It was all about how data that is being consumed and produced everyday to help improve the decision making process, from our ancestors’ DNA to everyday machine learning, the species that are still alive in this current era was due to a continuous evolution of nothing but algorithms.
Nevertheless, it was still a meaningful read and something that I will look back to 10 years from now and see if the bio-technologies that were mentioned in the book be utilized in the real world to make ‘superhumans’ or upgraded humans a reality for the rich.